The EDC was established in Sri Ramakrishna College of engineering with faculty members from different department in the year 2018.It has been conducting the various entrepreneurship development programs in order to promote and inculcate the entrepreneurial skills in the minds of young students.. The successful implementation of program is based on the structure the set of activities on campus, ideation, opportunity evaluation and selection, and most importantly, management involvement in the whole process. E-cell is all about creating & providing platform to all the persons, who all wants to be emerging entrepreneurs. E-cell is about influencing young persons to lead our world economy for better future. E-cell acts as incubator to Society, developing future entrepreneurs.

1 Dr.M.Marimuthu Principal Chair Person
2 Mr.R.Dinesh Raj Assistant Professor& Head, Computer Science and Engineering Convenor
3 Mr.J.Kilinton Raja Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering Member
4 Mr.S.Sivabalan Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Member
5 Mr.K.DineshKumar Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Member
6 Mrs.N.Angalaeswari Assistant Professor, Bio-Medical Engineering Member
7 Dr.L.Sugi Assistant Professor& Head, Science and Humanities Member